Why erwin displayed instance count?

I tested via json file each modeling tools.
This json file saved library / Model / Entity / Attributes of Mart Server models information.
(Entities or) Attributes were configured same columns but erwin displayed all instance.
But other tool displayed only columns not all instance of objects.
I think it is more exact model than erwin.
Are there any reasons to get all instances in erwin?
Il-Soon, Im
5 replies
The same is true of RE from MongoDB. In the old SaaS DM NoSQL, only the first element of an array was shown, as can be seen in the first image below. The same collection reversed in the CVP DM is shown in the second image (part only, as the comments array has 50 elements!). The 3rd image shows the normalised version of this through deriving a logical model. While the comments have (thankfully) been normalised properly, the Tags have not, and still appear as if in an array rather than a single tag per Tags entity.
Thanks for your input, our development is looking into it.
Hi, Thanks for the reply.
But, I didn't understood, yet.
Is it right that the physical model needs to change(add instance) if that column instance added physically?
Il-Soon, Im
Please give feedback on the second refresh beta where we addressed this issue to some extend.